We're pretty sure Katie Holmes leads a double life. The pouty Hollywood ingenue cant truly be as squeaky clean as Joey, the ultrasensible good girl she plays on Dawson's Creek-or can she?
On the surface Katie seems innocent enough. The one-time Catholic Schoolgirl from Toledo actually uses the word neat to describe her acting experiences- we probably would've picked a steamier adjective if our career involved making out with Josh Jackson and James Van Der Beek. And she says she's happier hanging out with her 3 year old nephews than partying behind velvet ropes. Could she be for real? Maybe not.
When we catch up with her in NYC, Katie appears to be hiding something. We ask her if she's ever gone for the type of guy you wouldn't bring home to Mom, and she responds, "Um, um [pause], I think every girl goes through a bad-boy stage. Its part of growing up and...Well, nevermind, nothing." What? Go on, we beg! Damn these celebs and their privacy issues. Still, little clues about Katie's secret life emerge.
For starters, we know she's gutsy enough to take on some pretty risky roles. In The Gift she played a two-faced town slut, a part that interested her because, she says, "I think there are a lot of people who kind of live in disguise." Aha! In the R-rated Disturbing Behavior, Katie pulled off a steamy sex scene with James Marsden and in her upcoming thriller Abandon with Benjamin Bratt, she plays a stressed out college senior suspected in the disappearence of her boyfriend. Not every teen queen would risk her reputation on such edgy fare. Could we finaly be on to something? "Well, maybe I'm entering my bad-girl phase now,"she says coyly. Still, she sure does seem to go for nice guys: She breifly dated Dawson's Josh and has been with American Pie heartthrob Chris Klein for 2 years.
We know she hates talking about their relationship publicy, so we pose a general love question : What do you like in a guy? "The basics," she says in her ho-hum way. "Honesty, strength, trust, all of those things, just a good person." (Yeah, yeah, we've seen Chris with his shirt off, and there might be a tiny bit more to it than that.) What was her best date ever? "Um, lets see, [long pause] I think surprises are very sweet, they're my favorite," she says. Anything more specific? "Uh, no," she says firmly. Its obvious she wants us to butt out. And her boyfriend backs her up. When we ask Chris about Katie, he politely says, "OK, this interview is over." Geez, you think we were asking him the last time he changed his underwear! So we take our best shot at unraveling the mystery that is Katie Holmes. Whats the secret to your success with Chris? "Hmmm [the ultimate long pause]. I think the secret is not talking about it." Now how did we know she was going to say that? Since we didnt exactly get anywhere with her personal life,seventeen decided to let the tight lipped Katie take a crack at your relationship problems.
Q: I'm 15 and I've never had a boyfriend! I'm pretty popular, but no one has asked me out. What can I do?
A: Don't try too hard. Love finds you when you're not looking for it. Enjoy your friends.
Q: My guy friend is really into me, but I don't like him as anything more than a friend. How do I get him off my back without hurting his feelings? (Holly, 19, Utah)
A: This is tough. Tell him that you value his friendship too much to jeopardize it. If he acts awkward, just give him space.
Q: Every time I ask guys out, they say no, because I'm more of a little-sister type than a girlfriend type. What to do? (Ruth, 20, Virginia)
A: If you like a boy, make sure he sees you as a girl -- not one of the guys. And don't be too available. Hang out with the girls.
Q: My boyfriend's ex keeps trying to get him back. She drives around until he gets off work, waves to him in the hall and calls him. He ignores her, but she doesn't seem to care. How do I get her to leave him alone? (Emily, 15, Illinois)
A: You shouldn't get involved; let him deal with his ex. Concentrate on your relationship instead of people you have no control over. All you can do is be the best girlfriend ever.
Q: This guy flirts with me one minute and is a real jerk the next. What can I do? (Molly, 14, New York)
A: Ignore him for now; he's playing games. He obviously likes you. It's his way to flirting - in no time he'll ask you out.
Q: I really like this guy who has a girlfriend. Everyone tells me he wants to break up with her and go out with me. I can't imagine being the reason they break up, but I'm tired of waiting. What can I do? (Sabrina, 15, Georgia)
A: Let him get out of the relationship on his own and then you can see if you're right for each other. Your instincts are correct - you don't want to be the cause of a breakup.
Q: My boyfriend said if I don't get pregnant soon, he'll dump me for someone who will. We don't use protection - he won't let me. I'm not ready to have a child, but I really love him. Should I leave him or what? (Jessica, 17, New York)
A: Firs and foremost, always use protection. Having a child is an enormous responsibility and is obviously something you don't want at this time. Rent the movie "Riding in cars with boys" for a reality check.
Q: A "friend" told people I'm on the Pill and sleeping with a guy. None of it's true! I haven't even been kissed. Should I ignore it or drop my friends? (Ashley, 14, Michigan)
A: Find a new group to hang out with. These are not nice people, let alone "friends." They're probably intimidated by you. People who know you will stand by you.
Q: My boyfriend and I broke up a couple of months ago, but now we're trying to work things out. I had cried to my mom before, so she disapproves of us getting back together. How can I make her see we love each other? (Elizabeth, 19, North Carolina)
A: If you know in your heart he's the right guy, eventually your mom will see it, too.
Q: I've liked this guy since the day I met him. But I know that I'd never have a chance with him. Since we're friends, I see him almost every day. How can I get over him? (Laura, 15, Illinois)
A: Never say never, Friends usually make the best boyfriends.
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