#501 Elämää Bostonissa
JOEY: Sanoitte, että aineeni pitäisi alkaa siitä mihin se loppui. Mutta mitään ei tapahtunut. He lähtivät eri teitä.
WILDER: Ei sillä ole väliä. Mihin haluat kuljettaa tarinaasi? Kirjoittaminen on valintoja, ja sinä lopetit ennen kuin tuli aika tehdä valinta. En edes tiedä, mitä se suudelma tarkoitti.
JOEY: Se oli vain suudelma.
WILDER: Se ei kerro mitään. Tee valinta. Millainen se oli? Suloinen, ystävän antama, intohimoinen, haluaisin kaataa sinut ja tehdä jumalattomuuksia? Vai oliko se jäähyväissuudelma?
JOEY: Ihmiset kokevat opiskelijaelämän niin eri tavoin. Jotkut juovat ja naivat ja se on ihan okei. Mutta jotkut lukevat, koska haluavat kunnon koulutuksenListen, everyone's college experience is different. Some people like to drink and screw around and that's fine. But some people actually want to study and get a great education so hopefully one day they get a good job and don't have to worry about working retail in the small town from whence they came.
JOEY: Dawson, it's me. I wanted to call you. I'm at this party with Jack and Jen and my crazy roommate, and guess what? I'm having a pretty great time. But as great as it is… it's not completely great. And that's because of you - you're not here. I know I said it was okay you didn't come this weekend, but you know what? It's not okay. Because I miss you. This guy, he was hitting on me. And he was perfectly nice. But, I blew him off. I'm not even sure why, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with you. These past few months, I've been acting like you were just going to show up outside my door one day. But you're not. You're out there, following your dream. Which is what I want for you. I mean…
I think it's time I let you go. And that is so hard to do. Because some part of me will be in love with you for the rest of my life. But the daydreaming, the running in place, it's not healthy. For either of us. So this is me, cutting the cord. This is me, doing what I should have done three months ago… saying goodbye. Call me back. Bye.
JEN: You were about to give me your best opening line. Something like "Hey, girl," which, word to the wise, is neither clever nor charming. And then you were probably gonna follow it up with the perennial classic, "Hey, you know what would look really good on you? Me."
CHARLIE: Wow. People actually say stuff like that in real life? Just so you know? I'm not that guy.